Thursday, February 14, 2008

So my first day at work this week was pretty entertaining...

I walk up to a table of two middle-aged men (about 45 or so) and say "Hi, my name is Danielle and I'll be taking care of you two today" I couldn't get another word in, I was interrupted (which happens all too frequently). The man on the right responds, "Oh you'll be taking care of me huh?" and he kind of winks and smiles at me... Then the man on the left says, "Can I have a pillow?" The other guy responds, "Can I get a hug?" I looked at both of them with a very surprised and probably disgusted look on my face and replied, "Uh, no." Where do people get off thinking it's okay to just harrass a server like that? It's sad to say, but this happens to me and a lot of my friends at work quite often. It's something I don't think I or anyone should have to deal with at my place of employment. And then to top it off, they left me $2 on a $20 bill!! I was furious! They had the nerve to harrass me and then leave me 10%! What would you do in a situation like this?

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Too bad you can't have a sketch artist draw their pictures and then you can post all of the cheapscapes here on your blog for all to see...or better yet, snatch clips from the security cameras :)